Greetings from Diana Pauna

SSE Riga alumni are key to its growth, and the SSE Riga list of its alumni is truly impressive.


 Dear SSE Riga Alumni,

I am writing this message to you from the Tian Shan Mountains that have become my landscape, my real world. How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains! During these November days you need some light, so I am sending you some from the Tian Shan Mountains. During this year I have managed to bring a bunch of SSE Riga faculty to see the Tian Shan Mountains and visit the University of Central Asia, including the Chairman of the Board Anders Rydin and Rector Anders Paalzow that has been possible within the Memorandum of Understanding signed in February and the agreement on the development of Economics courses signed in April. Among the faculty visiting us here were a few SSE Riga Alumni now SSE Riga faculty. You do not climb mountains without a team and having my SSE Riga folks nearby maintains the SSE Riga team spirit. And I am proud of the SSE Riga team and its alumni. You do not climb mountains without being fit, and you do not climb mountains without being prepared, and I know that the SSE Riga team is both fit and prepared.

SSE Riga alumni are key to its growth, and the SSE Riga list of its alumni is truly impressive. When you came to SSE Riga for your first academic degree, you were welcomed and given a mountain of opportunity. All of you are fortunate to be successful, and I am certain you feel a tremendous responsibility and obligation to give back to your Alma Mater. You are here for a purpose, and that purpose is to grow into a mountain for you to apply all your efforts to become the highest mountain of all. Happy Home Coming 2018!


Date added: 04.11.2018