Letter from Diana Pauna

SSE Riga is a lifetime experience


Dear SSE Riga Alumni,

A few years ago, we proudly marked the first decade after graduation, and as of last year, HoCo started marking two decades or twenty years of the status of SSE Riga alumni. This year it is Class of 1997 celebrating their twentieth year after graduation. I am certain that returning to Strelnieku iela 4a today, alumni who graduated 15-20 years ago see how SSE Riga has changed.

One of the most significant differences that has happened is the technology boom.While the classroom looks quite different today with new technologies, the SSE Riga mission and values are the same, and the SSE Riga current management and, faculty and students keep the SSE Riga flag flying. Whether in person or by correspondence, we keep in touch with each other, we support each other and we tend to find ways of creating new projects with the presence of SSE Riga. Last summer Krists Avots and Andrejs Strods were in Naryn to run an entrepreneurship module at the University of Central  Asia (UCA), and within a few weeks SSE Riga will sign an MOU of partnership with UCA, including an agreement on the Economics curriculum development for UCA.

Even though I cannot be present during the HoCo 2017, I am with SSE Riga in a different capacity and with new projects to engage the SSE Riga faculty and alumni, and I believe that SSE Riga is a lifetime experience.


Diana Pauna


Date added: 03.11.2017